Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today in class we talked about the different reasons why people are attracted to each other and it made me think about the things that attracted me to my husband.  First, he would actually play basketball with me; I had wanted to play with someone for a while, and he actually played with me.  Second, we liked some of the same music.  Another thing that really stood out to me was the fact that he talked to his Mom almost everyday because he loved her.  He is an only child, and I was worried about how he would interact with children; I really want to be a mom and want a good dad  for my kids.  He came to my house to visit and got along really well with my little sisters.  Another thing that attracted me to him was his calm personality and his willingness to be there when people need him.  I'm sure there are many more things that I was attracted to; these were just some of the main characteristics.  And, since we've been married I've discovered even more wonderful attributes that I love and appreciate!

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