Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Today in class, we talked about different family theories, including conflict theory, social interaction theory, exchange theory, and systems theory.  We went into more detail in systems theory.  I want to apply some of the concepts of this theory to my own family.  First, my parents are a subset and my four younger siblings and I are a subset.  (Sometimes, all of us girls gang up on Dad and become a subset, while he is left on his own.  This isn't healthy.)  Next, our family has multiple different rules.  Some include the fact that all children will learn to play the piano and will continue to take lessons until they graduate from high school.  Another rule is that children work hard in school; bad grades are not acceptable.  Also, the whole family is expected to attend church together on Sunday. (There are many other family rules, these are just some examples.)  We also talked about the different roles family members play.  My mom is the family server.  (Don't take that the wrong way.)  She is constantly serving everyone in the family and trying to make everyone happy.  My dad is the family clown as well as the provider.  I am the oldest child, and had the role of being responsible and watching out for my younger siblings. (I don't live at home now.)  My next youngest sibling is a quiet child who stays out of trouble and wants to make those around her happy with her efforts.  My next youngest sibling is the "chiller."  She is calm and collected and is often trying to get people to relax when things get a bit heated in the family.  My next youngest sibling is the family "Energizer Bunny."  She likes to be active and enjoys telling jokes and making the family laugh.  My youngest sibling's role includes being sweet and creative.  She is constantly writing special notes to other family members or creating little art projects.  I love my family!  I wouldn't change my parents or siblings for anything.

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