Saturday, June 2, 2012

On Thursday in class we talked about different strategies husbands and wives can use to make sure their marriage stays strong when a child enters their lives.  I really liked Brother Williams' advice to only have your spouse in the delivery room while you are having the baby.  I am going to take this advice; I talked to my husband about it, and he seemed surprised, but honored that I didn't want to have my mom in there too.  (My mom and I are really close.)  I also liked the optimism in our discussion; children can strengthen a marriage (Brother Williams and "Avoiding the Baby Blues").  Their coming to the earth doesn't need to make the marriage more difficult.  From our class discussion and the powerpoint we watched prior to class, it seems as though the more prepared we are for a child to enter our lives, the less problematic the situation will be (Brother Williams and "Avoiding the Baby Blues").  In Doctrine and Covenants, there is a scripture that points out this principle.  In chapter 38, verse 30, it reads, "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear."
(Information from Brother Williams, the PowerPoint presentation "Avoiding the Baby Blues," and Doctrine and Covenants 38:30)

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