Tuesday, June 19, 2012

This week we have talked about communication in two of my classes.  The discussions have caused me to reflect on my communication methods, especially things that I need to change to be a better communicator.  The major thing I need to improve is my listening.  I am constantly running around, and I often find myself walking away from my husband while he is talking to me so that I can multitask - listen to him and complete a different task at the same time.  It never seems to bother him, but I do remember that it bothered my dad in our conversations.  It is a bad habit that I have gotten into and need to change.  Another thing I realized is that sometimes when I communicate, I avoid telling people my true feelings, hoping that they will read my body language to know what I am really saying or hoping that they won't read my body language, but just trust my words.  It isn't fair for me to expect this kind of behavior and understanding from others.  I need to be more honest vocally about how I am feeling.  I also worry about hurting people's feelings or worry about what others will think of me and so avoid some topics of discussion completely, even with significant people in my life.  But, I realized this pattern and last night brought up an important topic of discussion with my husband.  We didn't get the whole thing figured out, but at least we started discussing the topic. (Most of these ideas were discussed in class today.)

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