Thursday, July 12, 2012

This week, we talked about divorce and stepfamilies.  I think it is interesting to note the ways that different people handle divorces.  I have heard lots of stories about divorces.  Some people who get divorced are so angry; they just want to make the other person from the marriage hurt.  It seems like a divorce can easily become a pride issue.  On the other hand, there are some divorces in which people treat each other respectfully.  I know a family in which the parents got divorced and the dad remarried, but the biological mom still lives close to her kids and ex-husband.  In fact, they still treat each other well.  I think it is important to live the golden rule.  Things work out better and there is less anger.  I really liked a quote from our reading.  Lauer and Lauer (2012) in their book, Marriage & Family: The Quest for Intimacy, the eighth edition reads, "Many marriages end that could have turned out to be satisfying.  According to Waite and Gallagher (2000), the majority of couples who are unhappy can work through their problems and have a happy union within five years" (p. 310).  I like this quote because it shows with effort, marriages can work out.  My parents are a great example.  They have put a lot of effort in their marriage; they go on anniversary trips together and spend special time with one another once a week.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

This past week we talked about parenting.  I went home for the Fourth of July and mentioned that we were learning about this topic in class.  My mom responded to my comments by saying that my parents have done the best they can.  Looking back on that conversation reminds me that we can't expect any parents to be perfect.  I attended an NBC basketball camp one year and the founder, Fred Crowell, told us of his rough family life growing up.  He said that the important thing as parents is to be better than your parents were.  He also told us that if we had good parents, our jobs would be harder because we were blessed with amazing parents and had to step up even higher.  I will have a hard job because I was blessed with wonderful parents.  Another thing I think is important to note about parenting is that parents don't have to parent alone.  If they are living their lives correctly, they can receive inspiration from heaven on how to take care of their families and children.  I know that my mom seems to get inspiration when she needs it, such as when it is important to take one of my siblings or I to the doctor or when she should just wait.